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Winter Newsletter


Hi all, I hope I am finding you all healthy and safe in this new year. Wow-what a year we have had. Here at the shop, we managed to keep our ATTQS going with all the support we have had from great friends and customers. We have been closed since Christmas and will be back with limited hours next week and will keep those hours throughout January and February.

Our limited hours will be

Thursday 10-2

Friday 1-4

Saturday 10-2

We are putting off my birthday BIG SALE until next Saturday, January 23, 10:00 -2:00 pm

We will begin having classes again in February. As you know we still have to limit the numbers of people in the shop at one time so we will start with small classes. 2-4 max. We are looking forward to spring and hoping our world gets back to a more normal pace of life. We miss our groups and gatherings very much. Can’t wait to see you all and catch up.

Mom last year showing off a snowman quilt

As some of our circle already know my dear mum took a fall in December and has been sidelined for a while. I’m not going to lie it has been a challenge for both of us. We are used to going full steam ahead so when your body says nope can’t do that right now well…….let me just say it has been an adjustment. She has persevered and is thankfully much better and back to stitching a bit.

Now the for more exciting challenges my dear husband has retired…….and he will be home…… All The Time… Good time for me to get my honey-do list ready!!!! We look forward to new projects and classes. Our BOMS will be starting a bit late as the pandemic has affected shipping fabric in a timely manner. I have been stitching on a new wool project that’s been on my UFO list for years and Mum has made a couple of sweet new penny rugs. Please make sure to bring in Show and Tell when we see you again! Happy Stitching, Annie and Janet


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